Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kgwebe Kudu's - OM110 Game Ranch

Early October rains of over 50mm provided a renewed supply of water for the local waterholes on the ranch. The rain has also been enough to start the grasses growing and the fields are turning green.

Mobile cams have been installed and should supply a steady stream of good game photos.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Botswana Game Ranch - Wildebeest

Botswana Game Ranch - Stocking Wildebeest and Impala

The game count continues to grow. There are now over 30 Kudu, 25 Wildebeest, 80 Impala and 6 Zebras. The Wildebeest lost none of the clownish personality on the trip to OM 110. The bush is alive to the sound of grazing animals - a hunting paradise.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Stocking Game - OM110 Game Ranch

Early June say 72 Impala arrive at OM110 Game Ranch - 60 females and 12 males. They seem to be adapting to their new environment very well. More game will be arriving in July. Can hunting be far away?

The video is a short take of some of the zebras on the ranch. The lead zebra is called Hazen. He is moving around in a happy manner, with three females as company. Life on the range seems good to him.